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A Kiss

A Kiss
I do loves me some shallow DOF. Every time I put on the 50mm f/1.4 I’m amazed at the quality and sharpness of the images (even wide-open). But it’s takes some fast focusing and a good idea of what you DO want to shoot to get things right. Attila recommended it to me, and I will recommend it to you. That or it’s cheaper but still very good cousin, the Canon 50mm f/1.8.

Obviously I need to hone my skills if I’m ever going to master use my “dream lens” the Canon 85mm f/1.2


We took our first family trip to the Museum of Civilization this weekend, it was nice, and I would have loved to have seen more, but within the Museum of Civ. is also the Children’s Museum, which seems to be WAAAY more fun for a toddler and eleven-year-old.

I decided I’d shoot jpeg mode on the LX3 for a bit, since I haven’t been entirely happy with the shots I’ve been getting from it lately – I feel like 60mm is not in my “sweet spot” for photography, but that’s my shortcoming and not the cameras, and feel that, maybe, I’m trying too hard. So I took off RAW (blasphemy!) and slapped on a few auto ISO settings (etc.) to make it more point and click.


The startup to Saturday’s Worldwide Photowalk. I had a blast, I took only a few photos; fewer still that I liked. I met some VERY enthusiastic people, which was great because I will just feed off of others’ excitement – trying to better my own photography skills – while trying to help others along the way (as I was helped when I started out).

For those interested, we’ve started a Flickr group for the walk, which is actually part of something big.

See, the Ottawa walk was only one of 900 walks worldwide – with over 30,000 participants – likely the largest world-wide photo event to ever take place (Excluding Britney going to buy a late).

Now, I don’t want to be a whistle-blower, but another (Read: Vancouver)photowalk in Canada didn’t seem to take it to heart – they just sat on the beach with models and beautiful light. I’m not sayin’ they were cheating (they were)but sipping mojito’s with babes professional models isn’t a photowalk – it’s a Flickr meetup. Get it right people!

PS – the title of this post was the worldwide hashtag for the photowalk – you know, on Twitter?


Today I’ll be leading the Ottawa section of Scott Kelby’s worldwide photowalk. I’m really excited to be getting a bit more involved in the community in Ottawa, if for no other reason than I only know the people I work with and three guys who go out and get me drunk.

We’ve started a group landing page on Flickr, and I’ll be posting updates from Twitter.

Tonight’s photo was taken on my “test” walk – watched this gentleman fly his kite for a few minutes then approached him to question his methods (I was curious, not critiquing). After I slammed his kite into the ground a few times I asked if I could take his photo.

Next Gen

Next Gen
Well it’s official – we’re having another baby – evidenced by a rapidly declining amount of sex, and the purchase of an $800 stroller.