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Tommy can you hear me!? Aaron’s a star, not to mention a lover off all animals and women. He’s an all-star pin baller, disco dancer, and can really delay posting on his blog.

This was my entry to this years “holiday door contest,” Sadly Janet (my office-mate) and I are admin’s so on the day we were supposed to enter we were overwhelmed with work. Not that this door was particularly inspired (the same can be said about the photo I took of it), but I just feel […]

I always felt that I could see how lonely so many people are, I could see beyond any thinly veiled attempts at sociability and recognize everyone as their own unique loner. Really I felt that I could empathize with everyone, see and know people for who they were and love them anyway; a lot like […]

Talk about playing with a handicap. My brother and I took up the *defencive* way of playing tic tac toe a long time ago. This game has completely lost it’s appeal since, by playing that method, nobody ever wins. So then if a stalemate is my goal, don’t I win?

I swear Christmas or “the holiday season” used to be more, well… *holidayee*. There used to be snow on the ground, a white Christmas wasn’t a myth or a heightened expectation, it was something that actually occurred. So now this phenomenon called snow is replaced with salty sidewalks and bitter-cold days, and I’m left wondering […]

I’m curious as to what monitor type/profile most people are using. I know there are certain *standards*, but I like to think that most people have a higher resolution monitor (something that isn’t set to 800×600), around 17″. I used to work off that, but I had to go back to my 15″ LCD, and […]

Two pink pictures back to back? I must really be digging. Today I saw one of the nicest sunset’s I’ve seen in years. I was itching to take a photo of it but 1. I didn’t have my camera, and 2. I live in the big city, on a low part of it, so my […]

I have completely neglected my yard duties for the later half of this year. It was all I could manage to mow the lawn, prune the trees, and half-ass trim the hedge; and the hedge is still overgrown. I’ve been underwhelmed by the desire to pick up leaves from the yard solo (a lot of […]

My office roomie Janet (whose birthday party I’m going to tonight, *yay!*) and I went for a relaxing walk behind the Hospital a few weeks back. It was good, it’s nice out there, trees, dogs, I should do it more often. There’s not a lot of office workers who have access to acres of unspoiled […]

Caridee is the winner of this round of ANTM. It was a righteous victory torn from the hands of a selfish Melrose. Tonight I sleep the sound sleep of the merry.

Kari’s sick, she came home the other day relatively incapacitated then proceeded to vomit and get the chills. Now I’m no doctor (though I do work in a hospital), but I think Kari has the flu, she has it so bad that she gave it to Bunny (the dog). So now we’ve got Kari sick […]

Onnie’s going in for some scary surgery today. She’s strong and I doubt she’s even as scared about it as I am but she’ll be fine, I know because she has so many great friends. See you soon Andrea!

In a personal moment of *awesome* I decided to head out to this guys show on Sunday, only to realize that the show is NEXT Sunday. I guess a week doesn’t make much of a difference except the fact that A. It was cold, and B. I wasted two hours round-trip…not to mention two bus […]

Does anybody remember Tiny Tunes? I think the most memorable quote was from a baby Plucky duck, watching an elevator going up and down in a mall he commented “Elelator go up! Elelator go Down… Elelator go down the hole.”

The source of the days being shorter (and colder) is the combination of the earths distance and rotation on it’s axis in relation to the sun. So at a breezy 10 am the sun’s just skipping over the surface of the horizon. I plan on taking advantage of this next June when I go to […]

JVL says: what do you think? aaron says: is that a pier near where we had lunch? aaron says: it looks like the deathstar in the background aaron says: can you sharpen it a little?.. it’s harder to make out the death star in it. JVL says: it is sharpened; I don’t think there’s much […]

Someday soon Dan’s moving in his Pac-man tabletop machine which will look fairly odd in a room stacked high with Quilting books. I guess Mrs. Pac Man probably knit herself, maybe she made herself the pink bow atop her head. Dan won the Pac Man machine from a bar we used to frequent, we each […]

Being in Toronto I guess it’s hard not to get the CN tower in a lot of shots, I kind of wish I didn’t though. You don’t see the kids in Ottawa always shooting the parliament buildings. R.I.P. Mike Serba

This photo could have had the most colour I’ve seen in weeks, sadly the overwhelming presences of the mc-logo was a bit too strong for what I saw in this photo. I’m going to add some “recommended listening” to this one, my official soundtrack when I was processing this was Kothbiro by Ayub Ogada *Edit: […]

I’ve been cleaning the house up over the weekend. There certainly is a lot of *shit* to clean up, but I think the hardest part for me was taking a carload to Salvation Army; it was a strong act of finality that I had to experience. That and getting crazy Drunk with William and Daniel […]

This is a case of a shot *almost* working the way I wanted it. Bunny’s the most non dangerous dog of all time, if you look at the other picture I posted of her, you’ll see she can’t even make it up a ramp.

I am completely uninspired by this photograph. I like the colours and I’m *read: LUCKY* that it’s sharp, but it’s boring, it’s the Rogers Centre, formally known as the Skydome. As Attila pointed out to me, “how the fuck do you make the Skydome interesting?” You don’t. You just post it because it’s the weekend.

Way up high on the 21st floor of my new friend Nick’s building, I saw the people in the park playing. At first I didn’t pay them any mind, but upon closer inspection I realized they were juggling. In fact, not only were they juggling, but they were juggling and riding unicycles. Granted I didn’t […]

I can see the guys walking by this coupon late at night saying “aww man, sixty bucks? I’ve got a toilet; this is like free money!” I guess they must have noticed the fine print once they busted it open.