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Broken Flowers

Broken Flowers
I have completely neglected my yard duties for the later half of this year. It was all I could manage to mow the lawn, prune the trees, and half-ass trim the hedge; and the hedge is still overgrown. I’ve been underwhelmed by the desire to pick up leaves from the yard solo (a lot of this difficulty comes from Kari’s unwillingness to consistently pick up dog poo),and I reluctantly pulled the clearly overgrown tomato plants from the yard.

All in all, I get a failing grade in external upkeep this year.

4 thoughts on “Broken Flowers

  1. P.J. says:

    Excellent capture. Kind of shows the end of a season, it seems to me.

  2. Kari says:

    without a doubt one of the major short falls of my otherwise delightful personality is my desire to let my dog's poo compost where ever she deposits it (exclusive to our yard – i do poop-n-scoop).

  3. aaron says:

    i say we make a new years game out of it.

  4. April says:

    Failing yard work grade maybe, but a really neat picture nonetheless. Love the colors & messiness of the shot. Nice framing,