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ND filters are the COOOOLEST. That and high f-stops. It’s like a special effect DURING reality. No photoshop required.

Be warned, I took many photos at the workshop this past weekend, so there may be a lot more photos of leaves and stuff for the week ahead. Though, at some point, I have to be sure to keep up my sequential promise to others. You can also see some more images from the workshop […]

I kept trying to figure out how to make this image work in colour – the contrast I wanted just wasn’t there – then I flipped it to black and white and voila; I’m happy. Lesson learned, B&W, always making my photos better and more artsy.

Normally I’d be one to avoid unwanted glare and colour-casts in my photos, here, I think it works.

Another shot from the workshop this weekend, not the greatest one, I could have stood for a bunch of ND filters to smooth out the water… but then I don’t really have those so you make do y’know? Since I probably wont’ post everything I process, you can see more from the YB workshop on […]

My first of, what is likely to be, many photos from my weekend workshop with Younes Bounhar. I had a great time, visited a lot of places around my adopted city that I’d never been to before, and was well taught the virtues of wide angle lenses, compression in telephoto’s, patience, and sarcasm. Younes is […]

Everyone says this but this week has definitely been the case; I need more time. A lot of it is the results of needs to do: I need to take care of Quinn when he’s sick; I need to make sure Mel doesn’t do too much when she’s dislocated 4 of her ribs while pregnant; […]

I’m confident that the weather has no idea what it’s doing. This entire week has called for mixed showers. And while, yes, there has been a mix – the mix has been a cocktail between night and day rain. Last night was a choice example, having run out onto the dock to snap what I […]

Taking a lot of family photos this weekend so I’ll spare you the randomness of it all.

I got lost last night. It wasn’t anything terrible, I just took the wrong bus (well, the right bus, but in the wrong direction)and ended up at the last stop. Ottawa’s still a bit new to me in some areas, so I wasn’t entirely impressed to find out service in that area was every 40 […]

I wasn’t going to post more photos of flowers – but this one was just too good! Possible kitten photos to follow (though unlikely).

Are photos of flowers boring? More to the point – are mine? I like taking pictures of people way more.

I took some time to play with my 100mm macro this weekend. Took it into my mom’s garden which has no shortage of subjects, of course, I prefer the more abstract images of flowers whereas she likes everything in focus: a true representation of the plant.

One thing about the Panasonic LX3 – despite it’s strengths, it’s still not really going to be able to transition those colours in the sky – it kinda bugs me – but really, that’s digital for ya!

Actually it’s a Honeysuckle leaf… I know you horticulturists were curious!

I’m noticing a definite change in compression of images between the print module (pictured) and the regular export to jpeg dialogue. Either way, this image didn’t really come out exactly like I had hoped, and I can’t tell if I like the B&W or colour version betterFuck it, I’m just posting the B&W version – […]

I don’t know about you folks in other parts of the world, but the weather here has gone wack. It was 25 yesterday, 10 today, and tomorrow’s going to be 30 – I’m no Meteorologist, but I know alien Terra-forming when I see it – so start wearing aluminum hats before they steal our thoughts […]

This weekend is supposed to be gorgeous, I plan on spending less time at the computer and more time with my camera family!

Thanks friends for sending Mel your support yesterday! Even though you may not know me, or her, the sentiment is truly appreciated – AWESOME!! The weekend here in Ottawa, and most of Ontario, looks like it’s going to be incredible – so I hope to get a good chance to take the camera out on […]

Photographers and flowers, after the same thing: seeking light. I’ve finally come to realize that I’m not just looking for light, I mean, even in the dark there’s SOME light right? But I’m after some very specific light – and different light for different times – this was definitely not something I understood a year […]

OMG! Am I sick of cloning out dust-spots from my Macro photos today. Seriously, if you haven’t done so, and plan on shooting ANYTHING over f/10 – get your freakin sensor cleaned. There are spots EVERYWHERE. It’s annoying and painful and I swear it won’t happen to me again… not this week at least!

Some asshole put this screw in a tree – I don’t care if they were stringing up lights or tacking some stupid “swap box” to it – no excuse that’s what DEAD trees are for (two-by-four’s). Maybe they were trying to tap it for syrup… people do that sort of thing around here in Ottawa…

Sittin’ around growing moss – that’s about all I’m up to right now. In more exciting news? Demolition!

Okay – I’m defeated – even WITH GUIDE LINES I can’t take a straight picture. I have a bubble level and plan on using it from now on… I’m sorry. One shot with my Panasonic LX3, single image processed in HDRMax with some blending in PS and lots of little layers on top.