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I know this kid didn’t pee his pants, though I know only cool kids do. Nope, this guy was plain-old cuppin his junk, and that’s cool by me. He also insisted that I was a doo-doo head on his way by.

By the creator of Ren & Stimpy, I got this dude *because* I was such a huge R&S fan at the time. Time has passed and nobody really seems to acknowledge his existence in my home, though I move with him, I too have neglected Jimmy over the years.

What is it about Italian girls that make them so hot? The Italians in my neighbourhood seem to have had a bit too much pasta, but when they’re young… sheesh, don’t get me started.

Bunny’s a pretty old dog now. She’s slow, deaf, loveable, and can’t make it up a steep incline on her own.

Babel was pretty good, Aaron and I both agreed that it was a very stressfull movie. Back and forth from one storyline to the next, intertwining through relations and time, exactly what you’d expect from the Director of 21 Grams. I love Brad Pitt though, man, he’s good.

It’s a sad day when your favourite pic is a total accident, but I can feel the panic and struggle Aaron is putting up against the hopeless onslaught of a crazed photographer. Goal: joint pics Mission: *Accomplished*

Kari’s back from the Yukon, horay!

My cousin emily used to take a lot of photo’s. She’s not really into in anymore as far as I can tell which is too bad, it’d give us a chance to hang out more.

No, Aaron’s face is not pasted on.

Oh Dan, when will you realize that not all peppers are for eating…

We went out for Moira’s friend Christie’s birthday on Sunday, the Brazillian Barbeque basically had a main course of mean, with sides of meat. Brought to us on skewers, very little effort was require to devour several animals in minutes. Christies father, pictured.