I know this kid didn’t pee his pants, though I know only cool kids do. Nope, this guy was plain-old cuppin his junk, and that’s cool by me. He also insisted that I was a doo-doo head on his way by.
By the creator of Ren & Stimpy, I got this dude *because* I was such a huge R&S fan at the time. Time has passed and nobody really seems to acknowledge his existence in my home, though I move with him, I too have neglected Jimmy over the years.
What is it about Italian girls that make them so hot? The Italians in my neighbourhood seem to have had a bit too much pasta, but when they’re young… sheesh, don’t get me started.
Bunny’s a pretty old dog now. She’s slow, deaf, loveable, and can’t make it up a steep incline on her own.
Babel was pretty good, Aaron and I both agreed that it was a very stressfull movie. Back and forth from one storyline to the next, intertwining through relations and time, exactly what you’d expect from the Director of 21 Grams. I love Brad Pitt though, man, he’s good.
It’s a sad day when your favourite pic is a total accident, but I can feel the panic and struggle Aaron is putting up against the hopeless onslaught of a crazed photographer. Goal: joint pics Mission: *Accomplished*
Kari’s back from the Yukon, horay!
My cousin emily used to take a lot of photo’s. She’s not really into in anymore as far as I can tell which is too bad, it’d give us a chance to hang out more.
No, Aaron’s face is not pasted on.
Oh Dan, when will you realize that not all peppers are for eating…