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My head feels like snot. I sniff every 30 seconds and every so often air slowly escapes through my nasal passage making a gurgling noise all the way out; my forehead feels bloated and pressured and everything I hear sounds like it’s underwater. There’s a possibility I will not make it into work today, but […]

This may have been the only day this season I left work and the sun was still in the sky. During the summer I can leave work, walk around, snap off a few shots. Now I have to do a high powered weekend of photo-taking in order to give myself enough ammo to post daily. […]

Hooj Choons, what does it mean? How does it relate to sex and drugs? Can I download them? We were listening to some hype Hooj Choons last night, though there was far less sex and drugs than you’d expect. Enjoy your day, recoup, some of us have work tomorrow.

Attila,Xtina (*A.K.A. home-wrecker*), Aaron, and I went on a gang photo-roam yesterday. It’s basically us ravishing the landscape depriving it of all privacy it once had and taking shots of just about everything. What can make things awkward is that Attila and I have the same basic focal range on our lenses, though his 1D […]

This might be one of the dirtiest statues I’ve ever seen. Since nothing actually *is* a person, or a direct representation of anatomy I’m sure it can go over some people’s heads. But not me; I’m a pervert, I get this type of abstract art.

Something I also learned from Best Buy; the best sales are on *before* Boxing Day. Why discount heavily on a day that you know people are coming in flushed with cash? Sure there are a few truly great deals, but everything else pretty much goes back up to its retail price (A price it only […]

The year of the inflatable decorations; it’s been distinctly un-Christmas like. There’s been something missing from this season for me, and I think it’s been the rush I get from selling people things during the season. I’ve done 12 years of retail, and having this coming week off is completely mind-blowing. What do you mean […]

One of my all time favourite comic books is the *Lobo: paramilitary Christmas special*. The premise is simple, the Easter Bunny, Toothfairy, etc. hire Lobo to kill Santa because he’s hogging all the fame. In my searching for a quick link to the description, I found this fan film made of the book. So here’s […]

So some people call it baby point (like it’s spelled; cute little babies), but others say “Bah-Bee point”. What the fuck’s a bah-bee? Anyway, this is “the big weekend” the first time since I was 13 that I haven’t had to work over the Christmas season. What’s more is I now have the entire week […]

Man, I love me some cracker, but road cracker is a bit too, I dunno, *dirty* for me. Speaking of food, I had a deeeeelicous burger en-route to this shot (no Xtina, I didn’t dump these lil guys on the curb); The Yellow Griffin Pub in Bloor West Village has 35 different burgers to choose […]

Not because it’s a gaggle of frosties, but because they’re using a plethora of those stupid self inflating balloon decorations; not just for used car dealerships anymore. I’m all for easy, but this is a bit much. Plug them in and they inflate, creating “tacky” wherever you want. I feel that they’re a waste of […]

Dan and I went out with his mom to pickup a Christmas tree on Saturday. I was a huge help… *pause*… NOT But when we were standing there waiting for Danny to finish tying the tree to the top of the car I saw this smoke rising high into the sky. I wonder what it […]

Kari’s been making necklaces a lot lately, she makes some pretty nice stuff (or so I’m told), and she’s started to sell them too. If you want a sample, or want to buy something, you can comment on this post and I’ll forward your email address to her. They could make a good present for […]

I have a strong theory that with all the playground of old being torn out, the youth of today will grow up to be adult wusses. Never knowing what it was like to break their arm, or sprain an ankle, the “bitches” of the future will trip on a stair and cry to their mommies. […]

This was my entry to this years “holiday door contest,” Sadly Janet (my office-mate) and I are admin’s so on the day we were supposed to enter we were overwhelmed with work. Not that this door was particularly inspired (the same can be said about the photo I took of it), but I just feel […]

I always felt that I could see how lonely so many people are, I could see beyond any thinly veiled attempts at sociability and recognize everyone as their own unique loner. Really I felt that I could empathize with everyone, see and know people for who they were and love them anyway; a lot like […]

Talk about playing with a handicap. My brother and I took up the *defencive* way of playing tic tac toe a long time ago. This game has completely lost it’s appeal since, by playing that method, nobody ever wins. So then if a stalemate is my goal, don’t I win?

I swear Christmas or “the holiday season” used to be more, well… *holidayee*. There used to be snow on the ground, a white Christmas wasn’t a myth or a heightened expectation, it was something that actually occurred. So now this phenomenon called snow is replaced with salty sidewalks and bitter-cold days, and I’m left wondering […]

I’m curious as to what monitor type/profile most people are using. I know there are certain *standards*, but I like to think that most people have a higher resolution monitor (something that isn’t set to 800×600), around 17″. I used to work off that, but I had to go back to my 15″ LCD, and […]

Two pink pictures back to back? I must really be digging. Today I saw one of the nicest sunset’s I’ve seen in years. I was itching to take a photo of it but 1. I didn’t have my camera, and 2. I live in the big city, on a low part of it, so my […]

My office roomie Janet (whose birthday party I’m going to tonight, *yay!*) and I went for a relaxing walk behind the Hospital a few weeks back. It was good, it’s nice out there, trees, dogs, I should do it more often. There’s not a lot of office workers who have access to acres of unspoiled […]

Caridee is the winner of this round of ANTM. It was a righteous victory torn from the hands of a selfish Melrose. Tonight I sleep the sound sleep of the merry.

Kari’s sick, she came home the other day relatively incapacitated then proceeded to vomit and get the chills. Now I’m no doctor (though I do work in a hospital), but I think Kari has the flu, she has it so bad that she gave it to Bunny (the dog). So now we’ve got Kari sick […]

In a personal moment of *awesome* I decided to head out to this guys show on Sunday, only to realize that the show is NEXT Sunday. I guess a week doesn’t make much of a difference except the fact that A. It was cold, and B. I wasted two hours round-trip…not to mention two bus […]