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Oh yah, just when you thought I was done I pump out another underpass photo! You’d think I was some sort of bridge-troll with all the time I spend under there; if you thought that – you’d be right! I’m gonna eat your babies!

Urban Nation

Urban Nation
Another from the night out with Urban Nation… this one’s just looking the other way.

Ice Cream

Ice Cream
After reading David DuChemin’s Within the Frame (what, you haven’t read it yet!?), I was inspired to do two things; travel more, and actually approach people to take their picture.

Since I don’t really have the cash-flow to travel the world right now, I figured approaching people would be the better habit to get into. While walking through Ottawa’s WestFest last weekend, I came across this wonderful little girl enjoying her strawberry gelato. I couldn’t resist! I had to ask her mother if I could take her picture, offering to E-mail her the image after – she said yes and here’s the result!

Now, I believe that if I tried to sneak this picture it would not have been as personal, as I feel the girl connects with the camera, plus I probably would have been beaten up for taking pictures of kids. I’m also sure the approval was helped that I’m a parent myself, I don’t know if any of you unshaven dudes out there have any luck approaching kids in public to take their pictures… I wouldn’t recommend it without the affixed credentials: Baby puke on shoulder, actual BABY in stroller or on the back.

It’s like an ID card saying “I’m not a creep!”


Looking up to the rooftop we were shooting the band on…


I’ve been away for the past few days, away from the INTERNETS that is! Seems that someone decided hide and seek was a fun game to play with the cable-modem.

This stuff is serious people!