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If you’re wondering why Quinn’s in the box, it’s because we’re working on stuff under the back deck, but there’s all this glass around so we don’t want him crawling in it. I dropped him in this planter, looked down, and started to play with the dirt; kids are awesome!

This is one of those shots that could easily be Black and White – but then I had a half cut CTO gel over my flash and that would really have defeated the purpose of doing that right?

Sometimes I really don’t know when to do a B&W conversion, sometimes I do because it saves a bad photo (digital noise is “acceptable” when it’s in black and white) – and then there are so many options, plus those plug-ins that just do it all for you! It’s a complicated mess that, tonight, I’ll wash my hands of.

Edit: This just in, I’ll be leading Scott Kelby’s Ottawa branch of the WordWide Photowalk on July 18th, there are only 50 spots available so sign up here: www.worldwidephotowalk.com


In a narcissistic attempt at self-photography, Justin didn’t hear the his infant son pushing over the light-stand until it was far too late.


I’m really stir-crazy – there’s so much I want to do and I really haven’t been able to do a FRACTION of it in the past few weeks – I think I should have thought about that before I took on the responsibility for another human being. I want to see a movie, that’s in the theatres (not one that’s in the theatres ON my computer!). I want to take Mel out on a date (maybe to a movie). I want to take a ridiculously clichéd photo of a sunset because… well I don’t have a lot and I WANNA.

So enough bitching – what am I going to DO about it? Find a babysitter – Quinn’s cute people like him. Check

The other stuff falls into place after that – just plan ahead, work around and with your obstacles – remember the teaching of Pooh; “It’s the mind that sees what’s in front of it, and follows the nature of things.”


Shot at the Festival Hall Paramount Scotiabank theatre in Toronto – I think Star Trek is out today – I want to see it… I don’t remember having a good time seeing a Trek film since, maybe, The Undiscovered Country?

I do find it difficult to get out to anything now that I live in Ottawa and have a family – I SWEAR I used to see more movies than this – but I had some good friends to see them with. Glenda and I would go close to every week to the AMC because you could pump your own butter; them were the days.

Mr Sandman

Mr Sandman
I REALLY want to go on a trip – and not just sit on a beach vegging (though that would be nice too) for a week – immersion, cultural, setting, the works.
Spent a month in Thailand – wasn’t enough.
Spent 2 and a half weeks in Iceland – not enough.

I need more, I want to go and do my own thing, by myself or like minded people. Can I do that with the family in tow? I hope so.