If you’re wondering why Quinn’s in the box, it’s because we’re working on stuff under the back deck, but there’s all this glass around so we don’t want him crawling in it. I dropped him in this planter, looked down, and started to play with the dirt; kids are awesome!
This is one of those shots that could easily be Black and White – but then I had a half cut CTO gel over my flash and that would really have defeated the purpose of doing that right?
Sometimes I really don’t know when to do a B&W conversion, sometimes I do because it saves a bad photo (digital noise is “acceptable” when it’s in black and white) – and then there are so many options, plus those plug-ins that just do it all for you! It’s a complicated mess that, tonight, I’ll wash my hands of.
Edit: This just in, I’ll be leading Scott Kelby’s Ottawa branch of the WordWide Photowalk on July 18th, there are only 50 spots available so sign up here: www.worldwidephotowalk.com