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Tin Can

Tin Can
There are, potentially, some fun things to photograph around town this weekend in Ottawa – the Tulip Festival, and my son. I hope to accomplish both or either – and maybe use some of the expensive gear I own: like my tripod.

We must set ambitious goals for ourselves, lest we lose passion for our art.

Fade Out

Fade Out
It seems I’m onto a bit of a nature theme this week – pictured here is some tall grass from my momma’s house during a daytime snow-flurry (back from March when I was in T.O. for my birfday). I was still vainly trying to hand-hold the 100mm f/2.8 macro… for macro shots… which, note, again is fucking annoying not an easy thing for me to do.

Flowers with distracting geometric background

Flowers with distracting geometric background
I don’t know about you folks in other parts of the world, but the weather here has gone wack. It was 25 yesterday, 10 today, and tomorrow’s going to be 30 – I’m no Meteorologist, but I know alien Terra-forming when I see it – so start wearing aluminum hats before they steal our thoughts too.

(poke holes in the foil so that you don’t swelter in the newly hot and humidized world)


That’s TOTALLY me – running – because I LOVE, to run. Love it. Running is sooooooooooo awesome.


This weekend is supposed to be gorgeous, I plan on spending less time at the computer and more time with my camera family!