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I hate cold benches, it’s like cold concrete, you sit on them and your ass gets all frozen and hard and then your pants are all crinkly and, potentially, your balls rest on the cold and get all vigorous. I think.

I am obviously quite tired, so today you get: A Puppy! Yay!

I’ve been non-stop listening to this one track off RJD2’s album *Deadringer*, I feel like this track could be my walking song. Like if I had theme music wherever I went they could just loop Ghostwriter and it’d be an all-inclusive soundtrack to my time strutting about.

Ahhh, a weekend of sloth completely gone by and nothing to show for it; delightful. I am *very much* looking forward to my and Aaron’s trip to Ottawa again this weekend. It’s addictive out in our nations capital.

Love it when it snows; LOVE IT. Canadians pride themselves on being winter hardy, though I find Torontonians a little less so. I hear complaints whenever it snows, and I see people drive, every year, like they’ve never driven in snow before. Think of where you live people, just because it’s urban doesn’t mean it’s […]

This delectable dessert happens to be my very favourite. I had a shitty night in San Diego a few years ago, walked into a restaurant, ordered a glass of deep red wine, and an order of the brulee…And after that? I wasn’t having a bad night anymore. These little sweethearts may look like mini cappuccino’s, […]

Am I really addicted to teh internets? This has been one of my most *tired* weeks of the year, but I can’t manage to drag myself off-line to actually do something productive; like sleep.I swear, it’s those girls from Ottawa, they slipped something into my drink on Saturday and now I can’t stop talking to […]

I certainly don’t see enough of *this* every day!

Another fabulous weekend with people from Ottawa… I really don’t know why I didn’t go there sooner.

Let yourself go… I overheard a woman remark that whoever sculpted this piece was intimately familiar with the female form. I’d have to agree, I believe the artist got something very accurate;*ladies can be as cold as ice*.

On Saturday, my first foray out on Lesley’s farm was straight down the path we cut with the snowmobiles and then I cut directly sideways into the wooded areas.This is when I discovered that I was in about 3 – 4 feet of snow, this made my trek through the forest painful and slow. I […]

Oh to balance on the head of a pin, I’ve purchased my tickets to Iceland, but I also just got a great offer to head down to Cuba over March Break. Sadly for Jen, Steph, and Attila I’m going to stick to the more exotic (and more desirable) of the locales. Maybe I should link […]

We’ve spent the weekend at Lesley’s snowey-ass Farm. Posting this before I go, I presume it has been cold, and awkward (as three of us are currently “unattached” while there are at least four couples I can think of that we have to deal with).

Enough ice sculptures? Don’t count on it.I’m not fortunate enough to run into natural formations of the stuff, so you’d better believe I’m going to milk these shots for everything they’re worth. An example of this would be seeing this image in the background of this shot.

I think my favourite Vonnegut writings happen when he finishes off his paragraph (or starts a new one) with *peace*. It brings the reader back in check after something that might have riled you, or a character within the story up; a pause or reprieve from the narrative.

Xtina has far too much pride; of all the photos I took in Ottawa, she won’t let me post any of her, though I have given her carte-blanche use of my image & likeness if she chooses. Winterlude was on in Ottawa and a part of it were some impressive ice sculptures; I can’t even […]

Don’t let me be the guy to ask you which angle you think is best; magnanimously I choose such things for you. Aaron and I, the adventurers that we are, decided to take the Family Circus route home from Ottawa Sunday night.

The Gardiner Museum; I guess it’s designed to look like a teapot… …or a bong or something.

Ba deee doop de dow… *(insert Night Court theme here)*. I gleefully purchased my new tripod on Thursday and immediately started setting up shots around town. Though it was cold and windy so it wasn’t exactly the ideal weather for it, but I figure I need to start training for my Iceland trip by carrying […]

Not to be mistake for Rear-door, this shot was taken the same day Attila’s from a few months ago. I didn’t want to post it at the same time because, not only am I intimidated by him and his talent, but I didn’t want to saturate our friends with pictures of the same wall ‘n […]

By far, the best film I saw last year was Penelope with Christina Ricci and James McEvoy. This film was truly a delight, charming and funny; McEvoy proved himself to be one of the strongest calibre actors in our generation. This experience was surely accentuated by the good company I was with; people with an […]

Ah beer, the cause of, and solution to all of life’s problems. My personal chronology of beer goes thusly:Age 4: Finished empties from pool side parties – verdict: Delciious!Age 14: Start drinking some Schlitz, cuz it was cheap, and malty – verdict: necessary to get drunkzAge 16: Tired of getting wasted, I stop drinking beer […]

It’s been way too cold to go out and take photos lately. I thought the purchase of a new tripod might help inspire me to do some more night shooting, but then the -17 and less weather has been prohibitive to an extreme that I can describe as “absolute.”Definitive in the way that I *absolutely* […]