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Crossing Over

Crossing Over
Mel’s back at work in the morning, after over a year on maternity and sick leave, I’m sure the walk to the bus stop is solemn and depressing. I wish I could be there for her, but it’s not quite like taking your kid to school – I do have the feeling that she’ll buck-up as soon as she sees her old work friends and gets to hang out in the cafeteria… that’s what the cool kids do.

So if you could do me a favour, and just drop a comment on the blog here wishing her well (thanking her for taking a year to raise our AWESOME son) I think she’d appreciate the randomness of the shout-outs.

Seeking Light

Seeking Light
Photographers and flowers, after the same thing: seeking light.

I’ve finally come to realize that I’m not just looking for light, I mean, even in the dark there’s SOME light right? But I’m after some very specific light – and different light for different times – this was definitely not something I understood a year ago.

For portraits I mostly want shade, even if it’s the person’s OWN shade by not facing the sun. I don’t want to take my camera out at noon anymore, because it feels like a waste (harsh light). I diffuse light when I’m shooting macro’s outdoors and I almost ALWAYS want to carry my strobes and softboxes and pocketwizards around with me when I’m shooting a person – Mel has FINALLY conceded that the photos I take by setting up a few simple lights are consistently better than those without.

Not that I have anything “figured out” not really, nobody does, but at least I get it, in a “do this, don’t do that” sort of way.

The Point

The Point
Straight to the bar – easy directions.


OMG! Am I sick of cloning out dust-spots from my Macro photos today. Seriously, if you haven’t done so, and plan on shooting ANYTHING over f/10 – get your freakin sensor cleaned. There are spots EVERYWHERE. It’s annoying and painful and I swear it won’t happen to me again… not this week at least!


The minute this post goes up marks Quinn’s 1st birthday. 12 months ago he decided he no longer wanted to stay in the womb and bust the hell out of there. He’s a strong, happy, vibrant child and I am a better person, and a better photographer, now having known him.

Edit: posted photos from his first cake!