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I suck with manual focus – the lensbaby has no other option other than – so instead of getting a cool shot of a little kid break-dancing, I nailed the girl selling popcorn instead.

Mmmmm hmmmn.


Quinn and I took a quick trip to T.O. this past weekend in a last-ditch effort to reclaim the summer – like those great road-trip movies where a bunch of guys hit the road to “find” themselves.

I was DELIGHTED to have had the company of so many great friends; Attila & Jen – thanks for driving a few hours just to have lunch with us (and letting Quinn touch your boobs!); William, for dropping by every single day and feeding me coffee; Glenda for visiting even though the time was limited (it was valued); Megan, Andrea, Rainbow and your friend for getting drunk with me (Inglourious Basterds is the NEW history); Andrew Lieu for dropping by too; and my mom and step-dad for taking care of us.

I won’t be back for a while (seriously) so it’s up to you to come to Ottawa now!


I’ve been thinking about selling the LX3 – kinda need the cash – and I’m not sure if I do enough with it to justify it’s expense. It’s a $500+ point and shoot and I’m usually frustrated that I should have just brought my SLR.

I’m going to bring it with me on my upcoming trip to Toronto, exclusively, see how that goes – maybe I’ll get into the wide-angle groove somehow. Any tips on shooting wide (it’s not something I consciously do often)?

Just for Now

Just for Now
Score! Finally got up to a Cottage this weekend. Free of any obligations other than to not let my kid drown (an obtainable goal to be sure). Took some time walking around with my camera in-hand, pointing it at the ground (see above photo), and the rest of it watching over Quinn, playing with him in the sand, and having him laugh at me as I made attempts to cut wood.

Didn’t take as many photos as I would have liked, rarely do lately, but that wasn’t my role so I’m okay with it. Good times.

Thanks Lynn for inviting us up!

Samba Ottawa

Samba Ottawa
A member of Samba Ottawa taken with my lensbaby.